Andrea Park, Principal
450 W. 400 S., Orem, UT 84058 --- Phone: 801-610-8116

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, November 1st is a Minimal Day

Tomorrow is a Minimal Day - this is different than an Early Out Day.  

The schedule is as follows: 

AM Kindergarten: 9:15-11:15PM  
Kindergarten 11:45-1:45AM 
All AM grades 8:00-12:30PM 
All PM grades 9:15-1:45

Monday, October 18, 2010

Family Fun Run / Make-A-Wish Registration Form

October 29 - PTA Family Fun Run / Make-A-Wish Foundation Deadline for Pre-registration.

Pre-registered runners will receive a t-shirt, no t-shirts for race day registration.

This year we are raising money to grant Mountain View student Rachel Steele's wish.To learn more about Rachel's battle against leukemia, see her blog at:
or read the KSL article at:

If you need more registration forms, please click here: Family Fun Run Registration Form 

Nov. 6 - Saturday, 8am. Race Day @ Lakeridge Junior High. 8:00 Family Fun Run / Make-A-Wish Foundation registration & t-shirt pick up.
              9:00 Race begins.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Meet the Candidates

The Orem Junior High PTA is sponsoring a Meet the Candidate open house on Tuesday, October 19th, from 6-8 pm.  It will be held at Orem Junior High School located at 765 North 600 West.  All state, county and school board candidates in contested races in Orem have been invited to attend.  You will have the opportunity to visit individually with candidates running in your neighborhood.


For information on what legislative or school board district you live in, please visit the following sites:


House of Representatives (click on a district to view boundaries):


State Senate (click on District 15):


Alpine School District:  The area encompassing Mountain View High School



Maps will be available at the school as well.  Come and meet the candidates and be an informed voter.


Monday, October 4, 2010


The newsletter is posted on the first Tuesday of the month - please come back tomorrow :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

PTA/SCC Meeting, Sept. 30 at 1:pm in the library

There is an important district meeting for OES parents. The meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 30, at 1:00pm., in the OES library.

Our Board is seeking input about the Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals of ASD. They will also be informing people of the potential Bond election in the Fall of 2011. Included in the Bond discussion will be 1) accountability for the 2006 Bond, 2) why do we need a bond? and 3) the process and time line in the upcoming year for a potential bond.

PTA and School Community Council members that attend our school meeting should have students attending our school. We will keep the meetings to one hour.

There will be time included in the hour to express feedback, concerns, or ask questions to our Board Members about any issue.

Thank you -

Rachelle Bolingbroke

Principal, Orem Elementary

(801) 227-8727

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Carnival Success

We had such a great and fun carnival last night.  We loved the weather and the turn out!

Thanks to everyone who supported us through volunteering, donating silent auctions items, bake sale and more!

We would especially like to thank Thompson Orthodontics for sponsoring the "Tin Grin Toss" booth and their generous donation of two Sonicare Toothbrushes for our silent auction.

We have so many people and companies to thank and we will post them in our upcoming October Newsletter.

Thanks Orem Elementary Community - we did it!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

After School Programs Open Enrollment

After School Programs Open Enrollment is tomorrow - after school! We will be taking registration at 2:15 and 3:30. Remember these are first come first serve and you will need cash or your checkbook.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Howdy Ho OES Neighbors!

The new SEPTEMBER newsletter is now online (in case you can't find it in your little one's backpack). CLICK HERE to read it.

Also, if you haven't gotten any free tickets for the Women's Expo the this weekend at UVU, you can print this out and still go for FREE!!!


Friday, September 3, 2010

T-shirt, Yearbook and PTA Membership Second chance order submission

We are placing our first T-shirt order the first week of September, but never fear... if you would still like to submit a T-shirt order, a yearbook order and/or join the PTA, please print out the form available on the following link and turn it in to the front office by the end of September.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back to School Night

We can't wait to see you on Monday, August 23rd from 4:00 - 6:00pm.

Meet your teachers, pre-order yearbooks and school t-shirts (yes, we are using the same shirt as last year), sign up for PTA and volunteer to help with Orem Elementary's GREAT school enhancing programs!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Story Time at Orem City Library

As part of the "Alpine School District Employees Give Back" program, district employees will be participating in "Story Time".

All pre-school and elementary age children are invited to Story Time with Alpine School District's employees from 10:00 a.m. - noon on
June 16 (Wednesday) at Orem City Library.

Monday, June 7, 2010

OES Summer Library Hours

Don't forget tomorrow is Library Day at OES. Come in every Tuesday between 10 - 12 and qualify for book bags, bookmarks and prizes.

Hop on in!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hi, my name is Cathy Ambrose and I am super excited to be the PTA President at Orem Elementary for the upcoming 2010-2011 school year. I posted my picture so you could recognize me around the school and feel free to say hi or ask me questions.

If you had asked me 10 years ago when my oldest started kindergarten if I ever planned to be PTA president, I would've said you were crazy! But as more of my children started attending OES, I became more involved and realized the PTA's contributions to the school really were making a difference and I wanted to be part of it.

Orem Elementary has an awesome PTA. We help make OES the BEST!!! Some of the many programs we sponsor are yearbook, newsletter, after school programs, vision screening, ribbon week, family month, and story telling, just to name a few

Helping moms and dads are always needed to get these wonderful programs off the ground. If you want to help a little or a lot, we welcome you! Listed below are some positions we are trying to fill so we can keep our many wonderful programs going. If you see something you would like to help with, please call me (801-802-9492) or email me at

  • Newsletter Editor
  • Ribbon Week co-chair
  • Membership Co-Chairs
  • Kindergarten Kleenex and Kookies
  • Volunteer Coordinator(s)
  • Family Life Commissioner(s)
  • Reflections Asst.
  • Beautification Day Chair
  • Teacher Christmas Gift Card Organizer
  • Summer Math Challenge Coordinator
  • NOVA
  • Maturation
  • 6th Grade Graduation
  • Family Month Co-Chairs
Thanks and I can't wait for another awesome school year at OES!

-Cathy Ambrose

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Field Day - Friday, May 21

Don't forget tomorrow is field day! Grades 1-3: 9:30-12:00. Grades 4-6: 12:45-3:30. Please apply plenty of sunscreen before you come :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

OES Beautification Day

Remember - tomorrow is OES beautification day is tomorrow, 9-11. Bring gloves and shovels and school pride!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

YAY - Yearbooks!!!


Yearbooks are here!!

If you pre ordered a yearbook you will receive that yearbook in class on Thursday afternoon, May 20. The remaining yearbooks will be sold before school on Friday, May 21 for $10. We will continue selling yearbooks in the morning the last week of school until they are gone. We have a limited number so be sure to purchase yours as soon as possible.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May PTA President's Message


Dear Parents and Friends of OES,

I can't believe that this is the final newsletter of the school year. How time has flown this year. We have had a great year and as I reflect on the school year I can't help but feel gratitude for all the people that help our children have a great experience here at Orem Elementary. First of all we have Principal Bolingbroke and the teachers and staff here at OES that really care about our kids and are working hard every day to make sure they have a good safe learning environment and a quality education. We are very lucky to have the great teachers that we have.

I also reflect on all of the many hours that you parents put in volunteering in the classroom and for the other PTA activities. We have had a lot of really fun activities this year that would not be possible without the help of volunteers. So thank you so much for all that you have done to help in any way this school year. Many hands make light work and there are truly many, many hands that help here at OES.

May will be a busy month with teacher appreciation, field day, beautification day, and 6th grade graduation. For Teacher appreciation we will be treating our teachers to lunch, breakfast and many other activities. We have a tradition of showering them with flowers on Wednesday that week. We will have flowers for sale before school and the teachers all have a vase in their classrooms. Feel free to bring a flower from home or buy one for $1 to give to your child’s teacher. This is a fun way to show them how much we love and appreciate them. I also suggest you have your child sit down some time that week a write a letter or draw a picture for their teacher. A heartfelt letter or picture is a treasure for a teacher. Watch for notes coming home for the other end of year activities.

Once again if anyone is looking to become more involved with the PTA Cathy Ambrose will be the president next year and would love some help. You can contact her at or call her at 801-802-9492. If you have any feedback for the PTA we will be sending out our annual assessment in May. Your feedback helps us improve and make things better in the future so please return them.

Once again thank you for your support this year and for all you have done to make OES a great place for our kids.

-Toni Carlson, PTA President

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hope of America

Hope of America field trip is tomorrow - common day for 5th graders. Performance will be tomorrow night at the Marriott Center - free admission.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Crazy Cub Readers' Ice Cream Social

Monday at 12:30 - be sure to bring your completed bookmarks. Parent scoopers needed.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spirit Day - April 30th

Show your school spirit and wear your school colors!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Expert coaches and players will instruct participants on:
Bring your own ball!
The camp will be held at Orem Elementary from 3:30- 4:30 p.m. on:
Tuesday April 20th (Registration at 3:10)
Thursday April 22nd
Tuesday April 27th
Thursday April 29th

Registration form on the web at
$10 donation towards Orem Elementary Computer Lab is requested.

Organized by Peter Riser for Eagle Scout Project
For any questions, please call Peter at 801-877-1910.


Hello Parents and Friends,

Happy April and Spring! It is hard to believe that we are almost done with another school year. We had a fun filled March. We had our storytelling assembly where the finalists told their stories for the whole school. We had our Moms & Muffins and our Classic Skate Night which were both huge successes. It is great to see families having fun together. We also finished up with the second session of our after school programs. Our chorus kids sang at a Utah Flash game and did a great job! We had our after school programs assembly and parent showcase and the kids showed off all of their talents.

April brings spring break and after that the school year seems to fly by. Hopefully we will get some nice weather and it will feel like spring!

We have quite a few big things to end the school year with that we will need help on. We have Beautification day coming up May 15th. This is a Saturday where we ask for families to come work on the outside of OES cleaning and planting flowers. Many hands make light work so mark your calendars and come join us in making OES more beautiful. Teacher appreciation is the week of May 10-14th. We will be sending home notes with the activities for the week. We will sell flowers and have many other fun things for the teachers. Then we will have 6th grade graduation and field day which we will need a lot of volunteers to help us on. So please watch for notes coming home and come get involved.

Our PTA meeting this month isn't until April 13th because of Spring Break so come join us if you can 9:30 room 206. Thank you for all of your support this year. Please e-mail me with any questions you may have

Toni Carlson
PTA President

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello Parents and Friends,

It's hard to believe that it is already March and we only have a few more months of school left. February has come and gone and we had some fun events take place. We had our Dads and Donuts on the 18th and had record attendance. We ordered 49 dozen donuts and served them in the morning and at night. We ran out right at the end and had a few disappointed families. If you did not get a donut please e-mail me at and I will make sure you get some coupons for some donuts. It was great to see all of the Dads reading and enjoying the time with their children. I had one Dad come up to me and say that Dads and Donuts is their family’s favorite PTA activity of the whole year. Thanks for coming and a special thanks to Amy Chariton who planned and organized it.

We had a special Story Telling Assembly and the kids worked hard to get their stories ready. Kylie S. and Macy M. have been chosen to represent our school in the Timpanogos Story Telling Festival. Thank You Carolyn Blosil for setting all of this up for us. Good luck to all who participate.

Mark your Calendars... March will have some fun activities as well. Moms and Muffins will be held March 11th at 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Please come and bring some books to read and enjoy a muffin with your child. You can read to your child or have them read to you. We also have another family skate night at Classic Skate in Orem from 5:30 until 8:30. Admission is free and open for the whole family.

I just had to turn in a report to the state PTA of all the volunteer hours at our school. I am amazed at all the parents and volunteers that spend their time at our school helping in so many ways. We have a lot of people that work behind the scenes volunteering their time with little or no recognition. I want to thank everyone that has helped in any way make our school better. Our teachers do such a fabulous job with the time and resources that they have. I just wanted to thank those that
help behind the scenes as well. A good example is the home reading program. We have many people that make that program work who come in and switch out books every day. We have a great community of parents and friends of OES. Everyone working together helps make our school great. So thank you again for all you do.

We are still looking for people that would like to help in the PTA next year. Please contact me if you are interested. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 in room 206. Come join us if you are interested. We will be starting the plans for the end of the school year, things like field day and 6th grade graduation and would love more helpers. Have a great March.

-Toni Carlson. PTA President

Monday, February 22, 2010

Kindergarten registration

Registration has begun. Must have immunization record and valid birth certificate. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

All proceeds from Orem Elementary's ink store are given directly to the school.
Click Here

Monday, January 4, 2010

All proceeds from Orem Elementary's ink store are given directly to the school. Why not help your child's school while getting the ink you already need? All ink is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Click Here