Andrea Park, Principal
450 W. 400 S., Orem, UT 84058 --- Phone: 801-610-8116

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello Parents and Friends,

It's hard to believe that it is already March and we only have a few more months of school left. February has come and gone and we had some fun events take place. We had our Dads and Donuts on the 18th and had record attendance. We ordered 49 dozen donuts and served them in the morning and at night. We ran out right at the end and had a few disappointed families. If you did not get a donut please e-mail me at and I will make sure you get some coupons for some donuts. It was great to see all of the Dads reading and enjoying the time with their children. I had one Dad come up to me and say that Dads and Donuts is their family’s favorite PTA activity of the whole year. Thanks for coming and a special thanks to Amy Chariton who planned and organized it.

We had a special Story Telling Assembly and the kids worked hard to get their stories ready. Kylie S. and Macy M. have been chosen to represent our school in the Timpanogos Story Telling Festival. Thank You Carolyn Blosil for setting all of this up for us. Good luck to all who participate.

Mark your Calendars... March will have some fun activities as well. Moms and Muffins will be held March 11th at 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Please come and bring some books to read and enjoy a muffin with your child. You can read to your child or have them read to you. We also have another family skate night at Classic Skate in Orem from 5:30 until 8:30. Admission is free and open for the whole family.

I just had to turn in a report to the state PTA of all the volunteer hours at our school. I am amazed at all the parents and volunteers that spend their time at our school helping in so many ways. We have a lot of people that work behind the scenes volunteering their time with little or no recognition. I want to thank everyone that has helped in any way make our school better. Our teachers do such a fabulous job with the time and resources that they have. I just wanted to thank those that
help behind the scenes as well. A good example is the home reading program. We have many people that make that program work who come in and switch out books every day. We have a great community of parents and friends of OES. Everyone working together helps make our school great. So thank you again for all you do.

We are still looking for people that would like to help in the PTA next year. Please contact me if you are interested. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 in room 206. Come join us if you are interested. We will be starting the plans for the end of the school year, things like field day and 6th grade graduation and would love more helpers. Have a great March.

-Toni Carlson. PTA President