Andrea Park, Principal
450 W. 400 S., Orem, UT 84058 --- Phone: 801-610-8116

Sunday, October 30, 2011

This week's events (Oct 31-Nov 4)

  • Halloween parade is Monday at 2:00pm
  • Nov 1 PTA Meeting 9:30 am Room 209-Everyone is Invited!!
  • Nov 1 Picture Make-up Day
  • Nov 3 Reflections Awards Night- 7 PM
  • Nov 5 Family Fun Run/Walk for Make a Wish

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hey everybody!

What time is it?

It's time for "Texting with Orem Elementary". That's right, your favorite good deed for the day!!! Please pick up your cell phones in unison and send "clorox4488" to 44144.

We need to go viral, pass it on please!

Remember, it's for the kids!!!

It you have a little more time, please vote on facebook:

While logged onto facebook, copy and paste this address into your browser:

Then, if you haven't already, create an account on the Clorox site.

After your account has been created, click on the "Login" tab and click on the facebook icon.

To find Orem Elementary, click on "The Nominees" tab and type Orem, UT in the location field.

Thanks and double thanks and triple thanks!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday is a good day to VOTE!!!

The state of Utah has mandated all year end testing be done online this year. Orem Elementary simply does not have the computers needed to meet this requirement. Most schools in our area are eligible for extra funds from the state, but due to our unique demographics, we do not get any additional funds.

We need this voting to go VIRAL. Even if you don't even know where Orem, Utah is, your vote counts, your family's votes and your friend's friend's votes all count. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

Vote twice daily from NOW until December 9. You can vote, every cell phone in your house can vote and so can every Facebook account. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!

If time is an issue, simply text to 44144 with the message: "clorox4488".

IF you have more time, vote again on facebook!

While logged onto facebook, copy and paste this address into your browser:

Then, if you haven't already, create an account on the Clorox site.

After your account has been created, click on the "Login" tab and click on the facebook icon.

To find Orem Elementary, click on "The Nominees" tab and type Orem, UT in the location field.

Thanks and double thanks and triple thanks!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vote for Orem Elementary Computer Lab Grant!

Help Orem Elementary win $50,000!

Vote twice daily from NOW until December 9. You can vote, every cell phone in your house can vote and so can every email. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!

Remember, everyone in your household with an email and a cell phone can vote twice a day!!!

First go to:
Then text "clorox4488" to 44144 to place another vote!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This week's events (Oct 17-21)

  • Oct 17-19 Red Ribbon Week
  • Oct 20-21 Fall Break- No School

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Parents, We are asking you to pledge to talk to your kids about drug and violence awareness on our school's facebook page: Thanks!

Monday, October 17: “Crazy Hair & Crazy Sock Day”
Have your student wear the craziest socks they can find and do their hair however they want (or even better don’t do it at all)

  • Morning: BYU/COSMO Assembly
  • Lunchtime: Macey’s Grocery will be handing out candy and coupons (Macey’s mascot the moose will be there at lunch as well!) on the playground 
  • During the Day: Please decorate your classroom door with “student pledges to be drug and bully free”. Be as creative as you want! The best decorated door will win Halloween Cookies on Wednesday
Tuesday, October 18: “Red vs. Purple Day”
Boys wear Red and Girls wear Purple! You don’t want to miss out on this day! Prizes and Contests
held throughout the day!

  • Lunchtime: Student Athletes & Student Leaders from MVHS join us for all the fun activities on the playground: Tug of War, Soda Toss, Dodge Ball, Red Ribbon Week Tattoo’s, Donut Eating Contest, Cotton Candy to be handed out to those wearing red & purple.
Wednesday, October 19: “Superhero Day”. 
Dress up like your favorite Superhero! A superhero can be many different things from Superman to a Firefighter we hope to see it all!

  • Morning: Bobby Lawrence Karate Assembly assembly. Winners of Essay Contest,Coloring Contest and Door Decorating Contest Announced.
  • Lunchtime: Police and Fire Department in Parking lot. Students will have the opportunity toshake hands with some true local heroes! 
  • Teachers tossing candy off roof

Monday, October 10, 2011

This week's events (Oct 10-14)

  • Oct 12-13 Book Fair
  • Oct 13 P/T Conferences – Common Day (8:00-2:15)

Thursday, October 6, 2011


When: Saturday, November 5
8:00am: Registration/shirt pick-up.
9:00am: Race begins
Where: Lakeridge Junior High School (951 S 400 W, by the flag pole)


$6.00 (includes t-shirt)
Deadline: October 27th

Late / Event Day Registration:
$8.00 (No t-shirt)

At "" (select the date of the race on the calendar to find our registration).
or at Lakeridge Jr. High's Cashier's office.
Make checks payable to Lakeridge Jr. High.
Additional donations are appreciated.


We are racing rain of shine.
Pre-registered racers can pick up their t-shirts on Friday, Nov. 4 at Lakeridge from 2:45-3:00 or on race day by 8:45am or after the race.
We will have drawings for prizes and healthy treats.
Meet the Make-A-Wish child and run with your principal.



OES PTA Members- If you signed up to be a member of our PTA there are a couple of great coupons for you in the front office for Legoland and Utah Idaho Supply.  PLease feel free to pick those up if you would like and thank you for supporting our school and our PTA!