Andrea Park, Principal
450 W. 400 S., Orem, UT 84058 --- Phone: 801-610-8116

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hi, my name is Cathy Ambrose and I am super excited to be the PTA President at Orem Elementary for the upcoming 2010-2011 school year. I posted my picture so you could recognize me around the school and feel free to say hi or ask me questions.

If you had asked me 10 years ago when my oldest started kindergarten if I ever planned to be PTA president, I would've said you were crazy! But as more of my children started attending OES, I became more involved and realized the PTA's contributions to the school really were making a difference and I wanted to be part of it.

Orem Elementary has an awesome PTA. We help make OES the BEST!!! Some of the many programs we sponsor are yearbook, newsletter, after school programs, vision screening, ribbon week, family month, and story telling, just to name a few

Helping moms and dads are always needed to get these wonderful programs off the ground. If you want to help a little or a lot, we welcome you! Listed below are some positions we are trying to fill so we can keep our many wonderful programs going. If you see something you would like to help with, please call me (801-802-9492) or email me at

  • Newsletter Editor
  • Ribbon Week co-chair
  • Membership Co-Chairs
  • Kindergarten Kleenex and Kookies
  • Volunteer Coordinator(s)
  • Family Life Commissioner(s)
  • Reflections Asst.
  • Beautification Day Chair
  • Teacher Christmas Gift Card Organizer
  • Summer Math Challenge Coordinator
  • NOVA
  • Maturation
  • 6th Grade Graduation
  • Family Month Co-Chairs
Thanks and I can't wait for another awesome school year at OES!

-Cathy Ambrose

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Field Day - Friday, May 21

Don't forget tomorrow is field day! Grades 1-3: 9:30-12:00. Grades 4-6: 12:45-3:30. Please apply plenty of sunscreen before you come :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

OES Beautification Day

Remember - tomorrow is OES beautification day is tomorrow, 9-11. Bring gloves and shovels and school pride!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

YAY - Yearbooks!!!


Yearbooks are here!!

If you pre ordered a yearbook you will receive that yearbook in class on Thursday afternoon, May 20. The remaining yearbooks will be sold before school on Friday, May 21 for $10. We will continue selling yearbooks in the morning the last week of school until they are gone. We have a limited number so be sure to purchase yours as soon as possible.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May PTA President's Message


Dear Parents and Friends of OES,

I can't believe that this is the final newsletter of the school year. How time has flown this year. We have had a great year and as I reflect on the school year I can't help but feel gratitude for all the people that help our children have a great experience here at Orem Elementary. First of all we have Principal Bolingbroke and the teachers and staff here at OES that really care about our kids and are working hard every day to make sure they have a good safe learning environment and a quality education. We are very lucky to have the great teachers that we have.

I also reflect on all of the many hours that you parents put in volunteering in the classroom and for the other PTA activities. We have had a lot of really fun activities this year that would not be possible without the help of volunteers. So thank you so much for all that you have done to help in any way this school year. Many hands make light work and there are truly many, many hands that help here at OES.

May will be a busy month with teacher appreciation, field day, beautification day, and 6th grade graduation. For Teacher appreciation we will be treating our teachers to lunch, breakfast and many other activities. We have a tradition of showering them with flowers on Wednesday that week. We will have flowers for sale before school and the teachers all have a vase in their classrooms. Feel free to bring a flower from home or buy one for $1 to give to your child’s teacher. This is a fun way to show them how much we love and appreciate them. I also suggest you have your child sit down some time that week a write a letter or draw a picture for their teacher. A heartfelt letter or picture is a treasure for a teacher. Watch for notes coming home for the other end of year activities.

Once again if anyone is looking to become more involved with the PTA Cathy Ambrose will be the president next year and would love some help. You can contact her at or call her at 801-802-9492. If you have any feedback for the PTA we will be sending out our annual assessment in May. Your feedback helps us improve and make things better in the future so please return them.

Once again thank you for your support this year and for all you have done to make OES a great place for our kids.

-Toni Carlson, PTA President

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hope of America

Hope of America field trip is tomorrow - common day for 5th graders. Performance will be tomorrow night at the Marriott Center - free admission.