Andrea Park, Principal
450 W. 400 S., Orem, UT 84058 --- Phone: 801-610-8116

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Orem Elementary does amazing things and that is because we have amazing parents!

However, our kids to the darnedest thing and grow up and leave the school, taking their amazing parents with them. We need you noobs to help us out!

The PTA is starting to fill service positions for next year and would like to invite you to help us out.

PTAs in general usually have a bad rep, but when I tell my friends the things our PTA does and how fun it is, they want to come to our school - we do things differently here!

The major spots we are looking to fill are:

*President Elect 
Shadow the current president to learn the ropes for your turn as president. I personally can say being president is hard work, but so awarding. I'm very glad I did it!

Easiest job ever - take minutes at monthly meetings for the pres and record volunteer hours.

*Assistant Treasurer

To assist and be trained by Jen Nielsen who will be the 2012-2013 treasurer. If you like crunching numbers and running your home finances, this is a great job for you! It starts off heavy in the beginning of the school year, but after Back to School Night and Carnival, it really slows down.

We have plenty other areas you can help us with too. If you think you can help us out, want to be more involved at the school and stay connected with the teachers and principal, this is an awesome opportunity to accomplish that!

Please email Karen Wynn at or call her at 372-8515 if we have piqued your curiosity.


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